MEKO accelerates expansion of fast-growing brand in Sweden

15 April 2024 · Pressrelease
MEKO’s branch and workshop concept BilXtra is broadening its footprint in the Swedish market. A newly formed partnership promises to raise the number of facilities by over 18 percent. The goal is to further boost BilXtra's brand recognition and establish it as a vital addition to MEKO's suite of other concepts in Sweden.

Established in Sweden by MEKO in 2019 to challenge established retail and wholesale businesses and provide a strategic alternative to well-known brands such as MECA and Mekonomen, BilXtra has seen significant success in Sweden. The number of BilXtra facilities has soared from three to 27 during this time.

The new collaboration with BILAM, the owner of five facilities in southern Sweden, translates into an 18 percent increase in connected facilities. These facilities, located in Halmstad, Hässleholm, Laholm, Osby, and Älmhult, have up until now been running as part of a different chain. Starting from April, they will be integrated into the BilXtra brand.

“We are delighted to welcome BILAM and their operations to our family. Their addition not only underscores the appeal, resilience and strength of MEKO's concept, but also its capacity to enhance the success of our workshops. We look forward to a fruitful association with BILAM and our ongoing efforts to bolster our market share in Sweden,” says Petra Bendelin, Chief Operating Officer at MEKO and interim CEO for MEKO’s business in Sweden.

In Sweden, MEKO runs 14 brands catering to the independent automotive aftermarket, including MECA, Mekonomen, BilXtra, Speedy, and Promeister. Each brand and concept is tailored to specific market segments, enabling MEKO to reach a broad spectrum of target groups concurrently. MEKO's revenue from its Swedish operations exceeded SEK 4.1 billion in 2023, constituting over 24 percent of MEKO's total worldwide revenue.

For further information, please contact:

Petra Bendelin
Phone: +46 (0)8-464 00 00

Anders Oxelström
Director of Communications, MEKO
Phone: + 46 73 522 52 42


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