Mekonomen Group makes cars smarter – launches connected cars

31 January 2017 16:56

Mekonomen Group, together with the telecommunications company Telenor, is launching a solution for connected cars that helps car owners follow the status of their car and benefit from smart services that make CarLife easier. Pilot tests with a smartphone app are ongoing together with partner enterprises within the Nordic Car Connect Forum.

A connected car enables a flow of information between the car and an app in your mobile phone. In addition to a complete overview of the car’s status, car owners are also given access to customised solutions and offerings from attractive businesses within the Nordic Car Connect Forum (NCC Forum). Mekonomen Group is a founder of the NCC Forum, together with Bertel O. Steen, Circle K Europe, Easypark, If Skadeförsäkring, Swedspot and Telenor.

“Together with leading partners within the NCC Forum, we will offer even more integrated solutions and services adapted to each car owner. Using the app, car owners can access a comprehensive overview of the car’s status, including battery level, fault codes and indicators to replace brakes or other safety-related spare parts, and have an opportunity to take preventive action,” says Petra Bendelin, President ProMeister Solutions - part of Mekonomen Group

The solution with connected cars provides access to valuable information about the cars that has to date mostly benefitted brand-dependent workshops with an exclusive opportunity to utilise the information. A lack of competition can be costly for car owners, something Mekonomen Group wants to change by offering customers greater choice. The initiative within the NCC Forum will allow car owners themselves to choose which of the companies’ services they want to use and share information with.

“Our aim is to secure our market competitiveness, where connected cars will become an important channel in the battle for the customer. Information about the car is attractive in our industry and something we until now have only had access to when cars arrive at our workshops. This connectivity is often integrated into new cars during manufacturing, which benefits the brand-dependent workshops and creates a lock-in effect for car owners. This is the next step in our efforts to develop our industry, create transparency and make CarLife easier,” says Marcus Larsson, Executive Vice President of Mekonomen Group.

For further information, please contact:

Petra Bendelin, President of ProMeister Solutions
Tel: +46 (0)8-464 00 00 Email:

Marcus Larsson, Executive Vice President, Mekonomen Group
Tel: +46 (0)8-464 00 00 Mail:

About Nordic Car Connect Forum:

The Forum strives to be the foremost meeting place for companies which advance innovation in connected cars in the Nordic region. The initiative was established by Bertel O. Steen, Circle K Europe, Easypark, If Skadeförsäkring, Mekonomen Group, Swedspot and Telenor.

Twitter: @NCCForum

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