Mekonomen's Nomination Committee

30 September 2014 08:00

In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 8 April 2014, Mekonomen has established a Nomination Committee. This Committee shall prepare and submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 14 April 2015 regarding:

the election of a Chairman of the Annual General Meeting,

the number of Board members and deputies,

the election of the Chairman of the Board and other Board members,

Board fees and any remuneration for committee work,

the election of and fees for auditors, and

guidelines for appointment of the Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee prior to the 2015 Annual General Meeting comprises Alexandra Mörner, representing the Axel Johnson AB Group, Annika Andersson representing Swedbank Robur funds, Anna Ohlsson-Leijon representing SEB funds and Arne Lööw representing the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund. Alexandra Mörner has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee. Mekonomen Chairman, Fredrik Persson, has been co-opted to the Nomination Committee.

Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by e-mailing or by sending a letter to Mekonomen AB, Attn: Valberedningen, Box 195 42, SE-104 32 Stockholm, Sweden. In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider submitted proposals in a constructive manner, these should be submitted by 16 January 2015, at the latest.

For further information, please contact:

Per Hedblom, CFO Mekonomen AB, +46 (0)8-464 00 00

Mekonomen AB (publ), Corp. Reg. No. 556392-1971
Box 195 42, SE-104 32 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 (0)8-464 00 00, Fax: +46 (0)8-464 00 66

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