MEKO and Mobivia Fleet Solutions in a partnership agreement around a complete fleet solution

07 September 2022 09:00

MEKO AB (former Mekonomen Group) and Mobivia Fleet Solutions, a company belonging to Mobivia SA, have signed a Partnership agreement in order to provide fleet customers with a multi-brand fleet solution in Europe. The collaboration offers the fleet customers and also new electric vehicle producers a complete service and full car fleet maintenance in the markets of MEKO and Mobivias networks.  

We are excited to partner with Mobivia Fleet Solutions. With the networks combined, we can develop fleet management, offering companies a unique solution in Central and Northern Europe. This partnership also extends our offer at MEKO, to provide our customers a full service when they need it, without them looking elsewhere. In order to enable mobility and offer all car owners a full service MEKO have taken proactive measures to extend the service for EV owners. In our main markets we can offer a full range of EV spare parts and have over 2000 E+ certified EV workshops”, says Petra Bendelin, Director of Strategy and Business Development, MEKO AB.

MEKO AB and Mobivia both operate a network of sales and services related to automotive maintenance and repair through auto centers. With the MEKO network, consisting of 100% Autotjek, AutoMester, CarPeople, Mekonomen, MECA and O.K Serwis, in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the Mobivia network, consisting of Norauto, ATU, Auto5 and Midas, in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain, the Groups can offer their fleet customers a full service in Europe.

“Mobivia Fleet Solutions partnership with MEKO is a unique offer to fleet customers that operate across all of Europe and are in need of a full fleet solution. With the combined networks and the Groups service offers, their shared values and capabilities, we extend our ecosystem of sustainable and valuable solutions for the benefit of our customers. Mobivia has been a leader in developing their network of nearly 2000 service centers in Europe, Africa and Turkey and their people to be ready for all technological evolutions such as EV. We have great Brands in Mobivia, are a trusted partner for many international and national large customers and continuously look to improve our offer for fleets and their drivers”, says Katrin Teichert, General Manager of Mobivia Fleet Solutions.


Petra Bendelin, Director of Business Development & Strategy, MEKO
Phone: +46(0)8-464 00 00, Mail:

Katrin Teichert, General Manager of Mobivia Fleet Solutions,
Phone: +49 162 2622754, Mail:


About Mobivia:
Mobivia is an ecosystem dedicated to the mobility of today and tomorrow, with 9 brands and 25 start-ups. Working alongside users for 50 years, Mobivia's companies provide local support for everyone's mobility, whatever their needs, means and choices, by offering useful, innovative and sustainable mobility solutions. Mobivia is organised around 3 business lines: services to drivers (Norauto and ATU car centres, Midas local services), distribution of parts and tyres (off and online with Carter-Cash, online with Bythjul, Skruvat, BtoB with Synchro Diffusion, and from the circular economy with iWip and Black-Star) and new mobility (Via ID and its portfolio of around twenty startups including Vroomly, Trusk, Reparcar and the Plateforme 2 Roues aiming to make industry on sustainable micro-mobility activities).
In 2020-21, Mobivia had 1940 car workshops and centres developed through branches, franchises and master-franchises in 18 countries mainly in Europe. Mobivia had a turnover of €3.1 billion, more than half of which was generated internationally.

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